Friday, August 3, 2007

tiny butterfly

I hiked up Mt. Emmons the other day. It is a gem of a mountain. Walking through its forest is like being in a dream. The view at the top is vast and unique with a spectacular three hundred and sixty degree panorama of the surrounding ranges. Its history is a struggle. Buried within this mountain there is a treasure, a mineral used to harden steel. Humans need steel to build. The mining of molybdenum will again threaten the magic and splendor of this place.
Along the way I came across this little butterfly and thought that it represented Emmons beautifully. Because of its broken wings I was able to capture the image of this incredible work of nature. The subtle coloring and intricate patterns in the wings and antenna are amazing. I felt tremendous empathy towards this tiny butterfly, the size of your thumbnail. Perhaps the load was to big to carry.. It could not fly away... could not escape.