My friend Jasmine is a puddle connoisseur. It has been a wet summer so far and to her delight puddles are plentiful. Jas is not particular when it comes to puddles. Big or small, clear or muddy, she will always stop, drink some and most of the time she will lay down in the puddle to cool off or maybe to take a puddle bath. This bath is not to get clean but on the contrary it is to get dirty. A puddle bath instead of a bubble bath. She especially loves to find a really muddy, soupy puddle after she has had a bath (she hates that word!) and comes out slimy and a dark brown color. The best way to get rid of that clean fresh smell of her bubble bath is to wallow in a really slimy mud puddle. Jas is also a puddle poser. When she sees me pull out my camera and we are close to a puddle she seems to gravitate towards the murky water hole and strike a puddle pose. Lately, she has been in puddle paradise!