Tuesday, April 15, 2008

sign of spring

I have this cactus plant that has taken over the window sill in my kitchen. It must really like the morning light. The other day I looked behind the curtain and was pleased to see this incredible flower and many buds about to bloom. It must be a sign of spring!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

back country skiing

It has been an incredible winter, with record snowfall and powder days being the norm instead of the exception. I have been captivated by skiing in the back country this season. The incredible remote beauty and pristine conditions seem to far out weigh the risk and extra effort involved. Thanks to my very experienced and long time friend, Larry, I have been out there enjoying the turns and seeing the beauty.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

aspen tree collage

This collage represents an aspen tree during a storm. I collected the bark hanging from a dead tree. It reminded me of a snake shedding its skin.