This is a story about a blade of grass. This particular blade of grass wanted desperately to stand out. To be unique. The blade of grass decided that it would try something that no other blade of grass had ever done. It was going to lift a shell off of the ground! All of the other blades of grass laughed at it and ridiculed it for trying to do something different, something that seemed impossible and had never been done. And then it rained. The rain gave the blade of grass unusual strength. The sun came out and all of the grass began to grow with vigor but the blade of grass that none of the other blades of grass believed in began to do the impossible. The shell was elevated magically off of the ground! The rest of the grass looked at this particular blade of grass differently and it became well known in the meadow. Even the towering aspen trees looked up to that blade of grass. Soon the shell became a crown and the blade of grass was ruler of the entire meadow. It was spring, they were all in harmony and green with envy.
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